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You can change the copyright text from Theme Settings > Footer > Footer Bottom.



Follow this documentation to import the demo as like this page. After successfully importing the demo content, you will find all the pages in your WordPress admin dashboard’s Pages menu. Find your desired homepage there and start editing this page with Elementor.

Also, you can set your Homepage demo as the Frontpage of your website from Settings Reading



Thanks for appreciating our work and the theme. Glad to know you that we are developing the ticket management system with bbpress forum. I hope, we can release the theme with Forum within this week.


Excellent! Thank you for this! Please close this ticket.

Hello, where can I find the one-page document template? Rerum cubilia, ultricies cillum, dignissim dignissimos, omnis magnis, commodi donec maecenas incididunt metus wisi

I updated the theme, however I cant seem to find the onepage documentation template

A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error message being displayed when uploading or activating the theme.

One of the reasons you may receive this error is if you have uploaded the incorrect file. You have 2 options for downloading your theme.

1. Installable WordPress file only. (below)

2. All files and documentation (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file. (below)

Please make sure you are uploading only the installable theme which is called NameOf Theme.zip. If you upload ALL these files you will receive an error.
Upload the Installable WordPress file admin area
Log in to your WordPress admin area.
Browse to Appearance > Themes.
Click on ‘Add New’.
Click ‘Upload’.


I’ve a quick question, How can I change the copyrights on the footer? since I’m not able to find the part where I control such thing. Rerum cubilia, ultricies cillum, dignissim dignissimos, omnis magnis, commodi donec maecenas incididunt metus wisi


I can not modify any title, logo, and text here. Would you take a look? Rerum cubilia, ultricies cillum, dignissim dignissimos, omnis magnis, commodi donec maecenas incididunt metus wisi

And why don’t you make category feature with the doc?

I got this. I love the tab widget https://docly.guru/docs/docly-documentation/elements/tab/

However, for each new individual doc, I need to build the page again. It takes a lot of time. Is there a solution to copy the existing doc at a new draft as Yoast Duplicate Post does? This plugin does not work on docs 🙁


This theme comes with custom background settings which aid in adding photos to your site and making it your own. It has a multi-purpose one page design, a widget designed footer and a blog or news section.

Adipiscing placerat voluptates! Tincidunt dolor, hymenaeos, aliquet dis accusamus at optio penatibus. Porro ullam quos ornare. Ac ipsam, perspiciatis accusamus a aptent repellat urna, consectetuer hymenaeos magnam ridiculus ac nunc?

Proin fames tenetur reprehenderit tenetur? Exercitationem felis, laoreet rem at, enim luctus harum autem class. Laborum a urna. Non, atque. Asperiores autem mattis leo repudiandae reiciendis officiis consectetuer tempus consequuntur ut dui? Impedit tempore sequi debitis.

Repellendus ducimus sociosqu nisi dolorum ut consequuntur voluptates, montes tempora deleniti. Eleifend nascetur blanditiis consequuntur, perspiciatis, suspendisse metus! Dictum pulvinar, porro erat!

Best Answer

Cumque montes! Nisl voluptas, eu ipsam primis tempora, nam reiciendis felis vivamus, atque consequat. Provident egestas recusandae nunc? Penatibus donec. Hendrerit aliquid dolore curabitur perferendis massa commodo?

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by VAC.


The position of featured images is the same as the mobile and desktop versions of the websites. That causes a lot of visual problems. Rerum cubilia, ultricies cillum, dignissim dignissimos, omnis magnis, commodi donec maecenas incididunt metus wisi

Can we change featured image positions for different screen sizes?


I spend long trying to find out where the mixed content is coming from.

First when the page load it says the page is secure, but after loading it say insecure, as far as i can see it is coming from some CSS.

Absolutely not, the problem is it loads content from your demo website on my website. That’s why there is mixed content . This makes my site slower also…

Please help me out.

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